Profile picture of Amerzone: The Explorer Legacy

Amerzone: The Explorer Legacy

  • First released on 31 December, 1999 for PC
  • Whisked from France to the far-off Central American land of the imaginary Amerzone, you are a young journalist who has discovered the legend of the "White Birds".

    Whisked from France to the far-off Central American land of the imaginary Amerzone, you are a young journalist who has discovered the legend of the "White Birds".


    According to legend, the birds guarantee eternal life and prosperity and were offered to the Native Americans as a gift by God. These amazing creatures are born, live and die without ever landing. However, an explorer stole the originating egg before the birds could be born. Since that fateful day, the tribe has suffered under a merciless curse. To finally put an end to the suffering, it is up to you to return the egg to its rightful owners.



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