Profile picture of 10 Second Ninja

10 Second Ninja

  • First released on 5 March, 2014 for Mac, PC
  • Ninjas are cool, this is an established fact of the universe. Nazi Robots from space are not cool, they are the complete opposite of cool, and Robot Hitler is out to get you, the world's first ninja. You have 10 seconds to destroy all Nazi Robots in your vicinity. IT. IS. ON.

    Ninjas are cool, this is an established fact of the universe. Nazi Robots from space are not cool, they are the complete opposite of cool, and Robot Hitler is out to get you, the world's first ninja. You have 10 seconds to destroy all Nazi Robots in your vicinity. IT. IS. ON.


    Ninja's are awesome, this is an established fact of the universe. Nazi Robots from space however are not. They are trying to take over the Earth and their leader Robot Hitler is out to get you, the world's first ninja. You have 10 seconds to destroy all Nazi Robots in your vicinity and face the ultimate challenge: Hitler Robot himself. THE GAME IS ON.

    10 Second Ninja is a blisteringly fast platformery, actiony, sort of puzzley gamey thing. The player (that's you) is given the task of eliminating all of the enemies in each stage in 10 seconds or less. How hard could that be?

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