Profile picture of Singularity 6

Singularity 6

  • Rancho Park, CA 90064, USA


Forging alternate worlds that deepen players’ lives.

We are Singularity 6. We’re a game development team based in Los Angeles, dedicated to the idea that online games can deliver deeper, more meaningful experiences.

With our first project, we’re exploring new styles of game design and tackling difficult technical problems to create a game that’s beautiful and intricate, delivering far more than superficial entertainment or basic wish fulfillment, an experience that becomes a meaningful part of your life. Our vision is to create a compelling virtual universe filled with rich and diverse gameplay experiences and social interactions that will keep you playing for years, evolving along with you and the rest of the community.. We want our players to feel valued as well as a true sense of belonging.

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1 Jan, 2018

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