Super Evil Megacorp is a team of masters-at-their-craft from core game developers such as Riot Games, Blizzard Entertainment, and Rockstar Games. The company’s first title Vainglory, quickly rose to become the world’s largest mobile eSport after its global launch in early 2015. In less than a year, Vainglory has held live competitive gaming events in Asia, North America, Europe and South America.
In addition to its success in the eSports realm, Vainglory has received top game development honors including Apple’s “Best Apps” in 2014 and 2015, the Apple Design Award at WWDC, The IMGA’s Best Technical Achievement and People’s Choice Awards, and the Tabby Award for Best iPad game in the RPG, Simulation and Strategy category. Super Evil Megacorp is based in San Mateo, CA.
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1 Jan, 2012
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