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These days, whether you play a game on your phone, your home computer, your tablet, or your TV, one thing is for sure: chances are you downloaded it. And you probably didn't pay $60 for it like we used to in the Olden Tymes.
Sure, everybody likes the idea of paying $4.99, or $0.99 or even NOTHING for a game. But let's face it -- you still want it to be awesome. On some level, you still want that $60 game experience.
At Vector Unit, our mission is to take that big game experience and cram every ounce of its goodness into every tiny downloadable game we develop.
For gamers, that means downloadable games that don't skimp on the production values. Games with moxie, with spirit, with pip and verve. Games you can show to your friends to make them jealous of your new phone or whatever, and leave you with enough cash left in your pocket to pay for the pizza.
For our business partners, it means we apply our experience working at major studios on AAA games to an indie development model. It means blending reliable project management, solid tools, and technical aptitude with small teams, agile design, and independent spirit.
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31 Dec, 2007
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