Profile picture of Nicalis


  • Santa Ana, CA, USA


Welcome to! You may know us as the publisher or developer of some of your favorite games, like Cave Story+, 1001 Spikes and The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+.

We’ve been lucky enough to sell millions of copies of our games, largely because our team has decades of combined experience in creating fun video games, and in helping game creators reach more players everywhere.

Are you working on a fun game? We can get your game successfully released on multiple platforms. We’re licensed to develop and publish on Nintendo Switch, Steam, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, 3DS, iOS and more.

Are you having trouble getting your game across the finish line due to lack of funds, manpower or both? We can help with that, too. Get in touch!

If you’re a player, visit our Games page to see some of our past, current and future projects. We’re branching out into original game design and character creation, and we can’t wait for the world to see what we have in store!

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