Profile picture of Probably Monsters

Probably Monsters

  • Issaquah, WA, USA


We build AAA video game studios and interactive entertainment.

Established in 2016 and announced in October 2019, ProbablyMonsters™ is a new breed of game company that builds sustainable industry leading studios to launch original games. The company was founded by Harold Ryan to not only create great games, but also to make a great working experience for developers, one where people, culture, and creativity come first. ProbablyMonsters mission is to unite, guide, and empower talented teams to create exceptional interactive experiences. The company has built a central team that provides early stage infrastructure and long-term support to its studios on Operations, HR, Finance, BizDev, Tech, and QA, among other services. This unique model provides ProbablyMonsters studios the confidence, security, and stability to create and ship their games free of distractions.

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1 Jan, 2016

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