Profile picture of Private Division

Private Division

  • Seattle, WA, USA


Private Division is a developer-focused publisher that empowers studios to develop the games that they are passionate about creating, while providing the support that they need to make their titles critically and commercially successful on a global scale.

The label publishes the

Kerbal Space Program


Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey

from Panache Digital Games,

The Outer Worlds

from Obsidian Entertainment, and


from V1 Interactive, with future unannounced projects in development. We are a dedicated and highly experienced publishing team based in New York City, Seattle, and Munich.

What unites all of us is a passion for games and commitment to supporting the best studios in creating titles of the highest quality. We publish games that we love to play ourselves and that we want the world to experience. We are champions of great videogame creators, empowering and supporting the finest talent in the industry, and propelling those games to their greatest potential.

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Not available


14 Dec, 2017

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